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About Me

Harriet B. Harris,

LPN & Certified Professional Coach
Founder & Director of Non-Profit Agency:

Circle of Support, Inc.

I very much enjoy photography, particularly the photography of butterflies. I have been able to capture many exotic photos of these beautiful creatures in many different settings, but especially in my own back yard; mingling among the plants I grow.


For many years now, I have learned a lot about butterflies. They appear delicate and fragile, but they are in fact, resilient, focused and purposeful creatures. Their short life span is filled with the beauty of their purpose, and they live it fully and with splendor! My photography and gardening has brought a true joy to my life.

You see, I believe that having hobbies which fire our inner passion and promote the expansion of our personal horizon are a very important key to inner peace and wellness; which leads to better health and longer life.


My coaching focuses on assisting you to explore and tap into your inner passion; enhancing or developing what I believe are the God-given gifts we all possess! Take a look at some of my images and be inspired! But more importantly, begin to think about your own gifts and talents. These are the things which enhance and enrich our lives!


Expanded Bio

Though only recently becoming a Certified Life Coach, focusing on Health & Wellness, I have been a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) for almost 40 years. I have had the opportunity to work with and observe people at various stages of disease, wellness and even death. Having worked in almost every genre of nursing, I have had a ‘ring-side seat’, observing and caring for all types of people.
Though retired from nursing, I continue to dedicate my life to helping people. Becoming a Life Coach was to me the next important step in my journey of assisting others to be healthier and focusing on living their best life. I have seen so many changes in attitudes and approaches to healthcare over these many years. As a nation, Americans are becoming less and less healthy. Today, even with the addition of new, improved and innovative care and treatment mechanisms, our health continues to decline. Therefore, the focus needs to be on becoming smarter about our health and making better lifestyle choices. This is the focus of my work now, the joy of helping people improve their health and hopefully live a longer life!

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Areas of Expertise

1) Healthy Nutrition--Plant Based Eating--Cooking & Preparing foods which enhance wellness

2) Member: Girltrek, the largest public health and self-care movement for Black women!

Goal: Recruiting 1 Million Black women to walk at least 30 minutes, 5 days per week.

Current membership: 850,000+.

3) Like Harriet Tubman, Radical Self-care first, then reach out to help others

4) Photography--Exploring the wonders of our world and capturing it is photos, 

5) Gardening--Creating & Maintaining a Butterfly Eco-system


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